• 必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站

    Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
    Product CAS NO. Therapeutic Category CHINA US EU JAPAN OTHERS
    Apixaban 503612-47-3 Cardiovascular TP
    Apalutamide 956104-40-8 Oncology TP
    Brivaracetam 357336-20-0 Neurology & Psychiatry TP
    Bosutinib 380843-75-4 Oncology TP
    Dacomitinib 1110813-31-4 Oncology TP
    Empagliflozin 864070-44-0 Anti-diabetes TP
    Ibrutinib 936563-96-1 Oncology TP
    Lacosamide 175481-36-4 Neurology & Psychiatry TP
    Nilotinib HCL 641571-10-0 Oncology TP
    Nintedanib 656247-17-5 Oncology TP
    Relugolix 737789-87-6 Oncology TP
    Ruxolitinib Phosphate 1092939-17-7 Oncology TP

    ▲ CTD dossier under filling/preparation

    According to laws and regulations of People's Republic of China, relevant information of Schedule II Controlled Substance APIs is not released here.

    Disclaimer: The product that is still under patent protection can only be used in research and development, not for commercial purpose.
